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Wholesale Auction Demo

Transform your auction performance

Increase buyer engagement, bidding activity and proceeds with the auction industry's first interactive virtual vehicle solution. Extend vehicle evaluation capabilities beyond traditional condition reports and static photos, showcasing each vehicle's most valuable features with an immersive buyer experience. It's auction merchandising for the digital age.


Our AI-Powered Customer Lifecycle Management Platform Includes:

Sales AI Copilot
Conversational AI that converts more leads with personalized engagement at scale

Service AI
Grow service revenue with automated outreach and personalized communication

Chat AI
The auto industry’s most advanced generative AI chat solution

360° WalkArounds®
Interactive exterior and interior walkarounds and still images

Feature Tour®
Multimedia showcase of each vehicle’s most valuable features, tailored to individual shoppers

AI Virtual Booth
A premium photo booth for your digital showroom

ODES_Logo3-e1580849906554"Using Impel for our simulcast auctions has been a game changer! Our views have nearly tripled and online bidder registration has gone up by 30%."

- Andrew Hinojos, General Manger, Midland-Odessa Auto Auction